FXM’s customizable evaluation tool can do even more for you.
For example, select assets by amounts or contents of user fields you defined. Create self-defined hit lists that list all assets per cost center, location, division, etc. by their depreciation amount or other criteria. Provide auditors with the largest inward movements, transfer postings and disposals in terms of value.
This function allows you to analyse, from which investment project a specific asset origins. Any costs that have been assigned to the investment projects using PRJ Project Accounting are automatically capitalised and are directly transferred to an asset under construction – either summarized or with all single vouchers. Complete or partial transfer postings in start-up processes result in the automatic calculation of depreciations.
FXM is a solution that supports all your planning processes. By linking your current asset portfolio to future acquisitions and disposals, you can generate a detailed forecast of your depreciations for the next 20 years.
In order to obtain target-oriented management information from the detailed information gathered from FXM Fixed Asset Management, the information can be summarized and consolidated according to any desired criteria and different hierarchical levels.
FAR Fixed Asset Reporting is a component of Portolan’s EAM Enterprise Asset Management product line. It enables the consolidation and linking of different information, from the depreciation values to the summarized display of individual technical specifications.
Altogether, FAR is a Management Information System, which can be exactly geared to your needs.